Book Recommendations


Featured Book Recommendation: The China Study

There are many reasons to go vegan. Many people decide to transition to this life style due to the environmental impact the meat and dairy industry has on the Earth. Even more still become vegan out of a love of for animals and a desire to preserve their lives instead of supporting their slaughter for food. I would argue that on the whole those are likely the top two reasons for veganism. First let me say that I respect and understand the reasoning for both of those motivations to live a vegan lifestyle. Now let me say that although those reasons are valid and endearing, they are not what led me on my personal path to a vegan and  whole food plant based diet. The reason I decided to commit to a vegan lifestyle had everything to do with both the health benefits of having my primary food sources be derived from plants, as well as wanting to actively avoid the health risks that are associated with meat and dairy intake that is so prevalent in the S.A.D. (standard american diet). 

Similarly to many vegans, I became intrigued initially to the movement after watching a vegan documentary. Specifically, Forks Over Knives. In this documentary, the book, “The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted” was highlighted multiple times. The movie did a very detailed job of explaining changes that take place in our body when we decrease our meat/dairy intake and shift to a predominately vegan (and even more specifically- whole foods plant based) diet. 

The overarching message of the book can essentially be summed up in one sentence: “You can dramatically reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes .” – The China Study. To me this message was the shock factor that I needed to wake me to the clear and obvious truth. What you put in your body matters. 

It is incredible that we, especially americans, are so prepared to eat terrible and unhealthy foods without much thought, and then proceed to be confused as to why the weight won’t come off, and why America is statistically one of the highest ranking countries for cancer and heart disease. 

I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to take a deep dive into the science behind what they put in their bodies. Another key point made in this book is to understand that you are not too far gone with your health. The beauty of a whole foods plant based diet is that it can not only allow you to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it can actually allow you to completely reverse disease as well. This is no miracle pill in action. It is a personal decision to eat foods that make your body thrive. 

This book is wonderful and Dr. T Cambell and his son have done a phenomenal job breaking down nutritional information into bite sized pieces that anyone can understand. This book was the tipping point for me to transition to veganism for health. I hope you consider reading this as well. 

Stay Chill,


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